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If you are ready to pursue cutting-edge research in modern fields of electrical engineering and computer science, now is the time to apply. We emphasize research and preparing students for leadership positions in industrial labs, government, or academia. Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees with emphases in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science are offered.
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Earning your M.S. or Ph.D. from UC Merced means something. Follow in the footsteps of our alumni, many of whom now hold faculty appointments and meaningful positions in both the public and private sectors.

Together with University of California campuses in Berkeley, Davis and Santa Cruz, we are part of CITRIS, the Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society. The EECS faculty is involved in various activities and research projects supported by CITRIS.

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Merced is for students ready to engage in cutting-edge research that crosses disciplines. Our faculty and students actively seek to uncover new knowledge in related areas covering everything from robotics and mechatronics to computational neuroscience and animation.
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